GST: 33BLNPS4407G1Z0 | Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Accredited in the sector, Everon Impex is widely trusted as a leading manufacturer and seller of Automatic Cement Brick Making Machine, Automatic Vibro Paver Block Making Machine, Designer Paver Block Making Machine, etc. We are trusted in the industry, because of our promising products and advanced specifications. Along with this, various physical specifications like massive durability, work efficiency, long-hours working stability, etc., make our gadgets trustworthy and bless us with satisfied customers.

We are headquartered in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. We’ve designed our workspace equipped with a series of world-class machinery helping us manufacture products such as Paving Block Making Machine, Hydraulic Operated Paver Block Making Machine, Concrete Block Making Machine, etc. All our provided services and products are well appreciated and recognized for their cost-efficient work mechanism. With all the latest and advanced specifications, all our equipment is designed to maximize productivity and introduces quality in the processing.

Due to the essential role of our machinery, they are designed following all the standardized parameters and are synonymous with purity. We use a highly stabilized material in the manufacturing process of our Hollow Block Making Machine, Hand Feed Concrete Mixer, Electric Cement Concrete Mixer, Concrete Mixer Wheel Type, etc. By using various metals and alloys, we reduce the degradation of the metal and helps our machinery to remain resistant to rust, rot, and corrosion

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0 Years
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